Published By

Estefania Jimenez
I study bussines administration and I'm in 7th semester. I was born in Buenaventura and I lived there for 13 years. I came to Cali and end my high school in "Liceo del Ejercito Pichincha".

Paola Meza
I'm in fifth semester of Business Administration and I'm making and emphasis on "Creation of Business" and "International Business". I'm 19 years old and I studied my primary and high school here in Cali in a school called "La Arboleda".

Luis Palacios
I'm 21 years old. I live in Valle del Lili with my mom and my sister. I study business administration and I'm in 5th semester. My emphasis is on International business and Creation of Companies

12 septiembre, 2014


Unit 7th and Unit 8th

Through the first period of english class we did different activities of speaking, most of them were games and creativity challenges. We did contest during classes, a presentation of city tour guide of Cali and we also did a video were we show to the teacher and our classmates our houses or our daily routine.

These activities makes learning english more fun, due to the fact that you don´t feel that pressure of making mistakes, because you know everyone is learning, everyone makes mistakes on speaking activities because mistakes are part of the process of learning english.The teacher is always motivating us to give our best,  he don´t only give us advises about the class and learning english, he also advises us for become better human beings, teaching us to be better people snd leaving aside mediocrity.

Classes are fun, and we can notice how far our fluency when we speak english have improve during this first period.´

By: Stefania Jimenez

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