Published By

Estefania Jimenez
I study bussines administration and I'm in 7th semester. I was born in Buenaventura and I lived there for 13 years. I came to Cali and end my high school in "Liceo del Ejercito Pichincha".

Paola Meza
I'm in fifth semester of Business Administration and I'm making and emphasis on "Creation of Business" and "International Business". I'm 19 years old and I studied my primary and high school here in Cali in a school called "La Arboleda".

Luis Palacios
I'm 21 years old. I live in Valle del Lili with my mom and my sister. I study business administration and I'm in 5th semester. My emphasis is on International business and Creation of Companies

12 septiembre, 2014


Through the English Class we have Reached Unit 7 and Unit 8 of the Student Book. Using as activities and excersices common activities that people do in their daily life.

The teacher has done a series of activites that includes writting letters, post cards, emails, traveling to other parts of the world and many others. Next I will explain the main ideas of the writting activities in bought Units.

Unit 7

In Unit 7 we laerned how to use infitive to give reasons, use it in sentences, ask for and give advice and suggestions, to talk about vacations and getting ready for a trip, respond to suggestions and to use I guess to sound less sure about something.

Lesson A

In lesson A two persons are getting ready for a trip they're planing, and we learned how to use

- Infinitive for reasons; It's + adjective + to (get,see,find). 

Lesson B

In lesson B we learned a several amount of words to pack when we are going to a trip.
We learned how to give advices and suggestions.

Lesson C

In lesson C we learned how to answer to suggestions watching the exmple of two guys talking in a supermarket. and using

- I guess... when you're not a 100% sure about something, or if you don't want to sound 100% sure.

Unit 8

In unit 8 we have different activites that show us things that people usually do. The Unit 8 has different Lessons, which are:

Lesson A

Lesson A talks about a spring cleaning and during this lesson we learned how to use the possesive pronouns in common sentences, for example:

Lesson B

Lesson B talks about the different vocabulary words that are in the different part of a house. Bedroom, Bathroom, Living room and the kitchen.

In this part of the book they teach us how is the order of adjectives; Pronouns one and ones.
The usual order of adjectives are:

Opinion, size, color, shape, nationality and material.

Lesson C

Lesson C talks about how to ask politely by uisng

Do you mind...? to ask for permission
Would you mind...? to ask to do something

This is what we have reached and learned until now in the Student Book. We hope to learn much more to adquire more knowledge and to have more skills to afront future situations.

By: Luis Palacios

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