Published By

Estefania Jimenez
I study bussines administration and I'm in 7th semester. I was born in Buenaventura and I lived there for 13 years. I came to Cali and end my high school in "Liceo del Ejercito Pichincha".

Paola Meza
I'm in fifth semester of Business Administration and I'm making and emphasis on "Creation of Business" and "International Business". I'm 19 years old and I studied my primary and high school here in Cali in a school called "La Arboleda".

Luis Palacios
I'm 21 years old. I live in Valle del Lili with my mom and my sister. I study business administration and I'm in 5th semester. My emphasis is on International business and Creation of Companies

12 septiembre, 2014



we learned how to...

1. Use infinitives to give reasons
Example: "I have to go online to find a flight"

2. Use "it" in sentences
Example: "It's easy to find bargains online"

3. Ask for and give advice and suggestions
Example: "You should take a hat" - It is an Advice
                " Take a a hat" - It is a Suggestion

4. Talk about vacations and getting ready for a trip
Example: Things to remember for a trip "a Towel, sandals, a hair dryier, sunscreen, toothbrush"


we learned ....

1. To use whose..? and  Possessive pronouns "mine, yours, his, hers", etc.
Example: -"Whose brush is this"    
               - "It's my brush"     -"It's his brush"   - "It's her brush"    -"It's their brush"   -"It's our brush"

2. The Order of adjectives
Example: 1) Number  2) Opinion 3) Size  4) Age  5) Colour  6) Origin 7) Material 8) Purpise 9) Noun

3. The things at home 
Example: 1) Bedroom - "clock, nighstand, curtains, carpet, dresser"
                2) Bathroom - "mirror, shower, toilet, sink, bathtub"
                3) Living room - "armchair, sofa, coffe table, cushions, end table, lamp"
                4) Kitchen - "cabinets, dishwasher, faucet,  microwave, oven"
4. To ask politely
Example: "Would you mind opening the door"
                "Would you mind if I open the door"
5. To agree to request in differents ways
Example:   1) To answer NO to agree requests wih mind: "No, go ahead"/ "No, not at all"
                   2) To answer YES to agre to requests with can and could: "Yes" / "Sure" / "No problem"

By: Paola Meza, Luis Palacios and Estefania Jimenez

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